Professional of the Year - Healthcare/OB/Gyn Surgery/Bioethics

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Vikki Georges Hufnagel

Title: Director
Industry: Healthcare
Type of Organization: Foundation
Major Product/Service: Providing health rights, civil rights, human rights and related services
Expertise: Dr. Hufnagel has over 40 years experience. She is a gynecological surgeon specializing in obstetrics and reproductive genetics. She is also a bioethics OB/Gyn.
Geographic Area of Distribution: California
Affiliations: Y.I.F.
University/Degree: M.D., University of California, San Francisco, 1974
Born: March 17, 1949, California
Hobbies/Sports: Shooting arrows, throwing axes
Honors & Awards: Provided vital information and was instrumental in being a whistle blower regarding the Bill Cosby case and other celebrity legal cases; Served as a UN delegate to the International Women’s Meeting in Beijing; Nominated repeatedly for the Nobel Prize by her patients
Published Works: 2 books, "No More Hysterectomies," and "No More Menopause"; Featured in articles